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Knitting Rituals

Citrine *nýtt*

Citrine *nýtt*

Regular price 3.690 ISK
Regular price Sale price 3.690 ISK
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Fallegt laskasett með hunangsgulum citrine steinum. 

“Citrine is a highly protective stone, promoting spiritual growth and cleansing the aura. It is believed to absorb negative energies and transmute them into positive vibrations. It also helps to clear and activate the chakras, especially the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with personal power and abundance.”


Í hverju setti eru 10 merki  ;

1 upphafsmerki

8 prjónamerki

1 framvindumerki


Öll settin koma á opnanlegum hring sem heldur utan um merkin þegar þau eru ekki í notkun 


Prjónamerkin passa á prjóna 2-9mm


ATH. Birtustig skjáa getur verið mismunandi og getur því haft áhrif á hvort prjónamerkin sjálf séu dekkri eða ljósari í raun. Ég reyni ávallt að fanga raunverulegan lit þegar ég mynda vörurnar. 

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